
Tanzania and Augsburg. 
Sustainability and pleasure..

MAK Afrika stands for direct and fair trade. We maintain direct contact with coffee farmers in the Meru region of Tanzania. It is important to us that a fair price is paid for each kilo and that your cup of coffee contains genuine coffee. With us you will find different roasts to suit your taste, with an exotic touch but from 100% sustainable cultivation!

Find out more about what drives us, what we stand for and what we have to offer you with MAK Afrika. Great that you are here!

Katharina & Allan Mutagwaba


About 90% of all coffee in Tanzania is grown by 450,000 smallholder farmers. The remaining 10% comes from large landowners. Our coffee can be traced back to a group of 28 coffee farming families who have joined together to grow high quality, pure organic (locally certified by the Tanzanian Organic Agriculture Movement) quality coffee. There, our coffee beans are hand-picked from various small growing fields. We at MAK Africa guarantee that 100% of our coffee comes from the growing areas on the slopes of Mount Meru. We want to make the origin of our coffee as transparent as possible. Therefore, we travel to the Mount Meru region every 1-2 years to inspect the cultivation and to maintain a personal relationship with our partners. Interested customers have the opportunity to accompany us on a coffee tour and see the cultivation areas for themselves. This way they can get to know the coffee process on site and even plant their very own coffee.


We at MAK Africa build and maintain a partnership at eye level with the coffee farmers. The most important thing for us is that the coffee trade creates a win-win situation for the coffee farmers and for us. Our goal is therefore to run a social business based on reciprocity, in which the work of each individual is honored and valued. Everyone should be able to live well from the yield of his or her work. The coffee farmers from whom we purchase our coffee therefore receive a fair price that is two to three times higher than the market price. In addition, we support the farmer group in business management issues, in gaining new customers and in training young farmers. With this approach, we also work with other partner importers who source coffee from other African countries, pursuing the same goals of fairness and sustainability.


MAK Africa stands for sustainable cultivation, fair trade, naturalness and authenticity in taste. Coffee is a fascinating beverage whose aroma should not be adulterated, but should be completely authentic. We want each of our customers to experience the true pleasure – the delicate acidity, the fruity sweetness, the rustic richness – of the coffee bean in all its naturalness with a cup of coffee. That is why coffee farmers use only purely natural pest control agents and take advantage of the ecosystem during cultivation. Only the ripe, red coffee cherries are harvested, which are dried in the mild climate after the husk has been removed. Once in Augsburg, the coffee beans are gently roasted by us personally in an artisanal drum roasting process, so that the variety of flavors can develop optimally. Our goal is that this quality can be enjoyed in every single cup.

Tanzanite, Kiboko, Rafiki. 
Get to know our coffees.

Learn more about our delicious coffees from Tanzania – how they differ, what they are best for and, of course, how they are grown.

1,- € pro verkauftem Kilo Kaffee wird gespendet.

From north to south. 
 Our Story.

Coffee – a product that connects the world. Our story begins in August 2015 during our summer vacation in Norway. On a small island near Hitra, far from all the hustle and bustle and noise, we visited friends who raved about their coffee from the mountainous region of Meru in northern Tanzania. Allan got goose bumps, “Meru – that’s my home region, after all!”

What a coincidence that Allan comes from this very region in Tanzania. After the vacation, he phoned his family in the coffee-growing region of Meru to learn more about the origin of this coffee. It turned out that the purely organically grown coffee is cultivated by various families in Allan’s homeland.

Since Germany is a nation of coffee drinkers and the fruity Tanzanian coffee is hardly available in Germany so far, the idea to offer Tanzanian coffee in Germany took more and more shape …

The road to. 
 „MAK Afrika“

The decision was made: The planned trip to northern Tanzania to get to know Allan’s home country was to be extended. We wanted to see where and how this aromatic coffee is grown.

In December 2015, we traveled to Tanzania to the Mount Meru region. There, in the mild climate at the foot of the mountain, the coffee that so excited our Norwegian friends grows and thrives. The sustainable, organic cultivation of the coffee farmers’ families convinced us to continue on this path.

We want to support the local coffee farmers directly through our business model. We took the first 20 kg directly home in our luggage, which led to astonished questions at various airport checkpoints as to what we needed so much coffee for.

Back in Augsburg, we experimented with different roasting methods and preparations in a small regional roastery. This resulted in our three varieties Meru-Tanzanite, Meru-Rafiki and Meru-Kiboko.

Offline und Online. 
 Our Community.

After the first two successful years with our online store, we ventured a new big step and opened our own café in September 2018 in downtown Augsburg.

Since transparency across the entire value chain is a major concern for us, we have also started roasting the coffee ourselves in our own machine with our café. This way, our customers can also follow this step of the coffee bean on its way into the cup.

Enjoy and explore our Café. 
 A place for friends, Experts and  
 Adventurers. Welcome!

Freshly brewed coffee, homemade cakes and Tanzanian snacks. Treat yourself to something delicious and do good at the same time! We look forward to seeing you and your friends at Karlstraße 7. Get to know Africa in Augsburg.

Quality that you can taste. 
Find the perfect beans for you in our store.

With us you will find different roasts to your taste, with an exotic touch and from 100% sustainable cultivation! Best quality and exclusive coffees – Freshly roasted in Augsburg.

Your consumption can change lives. 
  Your donation will do wonders.

Learn more about how you can support our association “Tazama MAK Afrika e.V.”. Your donation makes a big difference and changes the lives of our friends in Meru for the better.

Come by and see us. 
 Wir freuen uns !

Besuche uns während unserer Öffnungszeiten:

Mo.-Do. 11.00 – 18.30 Uhr
Fr.+Sa. 9.00 – 18.30 Uhr

in der Karlstr. 7
86150 Augsburg

oder kontaktiere uns unter

E-Mail: info@mak-coffee.com
Tel. +49 (0)821 20835122

MAK Afrika

Wir freuen uns 
 auf Deinen Besuch!

MAK Afrika
Karlstraße 7
86150 Augsburg
Telefon: +49 821 208 351 22
Mail: info@mak-afrika.com

We look forward 
 to your visit!

MAK Afrika
Karlstraße 7
86150 Augsburg
Phone: +49 821 208 351 22
Mail: info@mak-afrika.com